Nacional newspapers highlight the study "Short-term rentals and tourism gentrification in Alfama, Lisbon"

Today, national portuguese newspapers highlighted Gago and Cocola-Gant's study on tourism gentrification in Alfama, Lisbon.

Ana Gago, Agustín Cocola-Gant, Jorge Malheiros and Luís Mendes collaborated in the study FINHABIT on the financialization of housing in Portugal, of the CES group of the University of Coimbra.

The results can be consulted in the chapters "O alojamento local e a gentrificação turística em Alfama, Lisboa" (Gago & Cocola-Gant) and "Gentrificação transnacional, novas procuras globais e financeirização do mercado de habitação em Lisboa" (Mendes, Carmo & Malheiros) in the book "A Nova Questão da Habitação em Portugal". The book was coordinated by Ana Santos and will be published today.