The SMARTOUR project focuses on three challenges faced by urban planners today: (i) a remarkable tourism growth; (ii) the success of holiday rentals via platforms such as Airbnb; and (iii) a tourism-related wave of real estate investment and rehabilitation. In Portugal, as in other cases in Europe, those processes are currently at the centre of socio-political debates. In particular, the underlying challenge faced by local authorities is how to combine in a sustainable way tourist and residential uses of urban spaces. By a comparative analysis of the cities of Lisbon and Porto, SMARTOUR will undertake an in-depth examination of the socio-spatial impacts of this rapid growth in order to provide policy solutions for a sustainable future.
SMARTOUR has the support of several partners, including Lisbon and Porto City Councils. The project will be carried out by a team of geographers, urban planners and an economist with substantial experience in tourism and migration studies, urban regeneration, smart cities, and public policies. SMARTOUR will be supported by an Advisory Group formed by leading national and international scholars.
SMARTOUR (PTDC/GES-URB/30551/2017) is funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and cofunded by the programs Compete2020, Portugal2020 and the Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional da União Europeia. The project has a three years' duration, begining on the 1st of october 2018 and ending on the 30th of september 2021.
SMARTOUR has the support of several partners, including Lisbon and Porto City Councils. The project will be carried out by a team of geographers, urban planners and an economist with substantial experience in tourism and migration studies, urban regeneration, smart cities, and public policies. SMARTOUR will be supported by an Advisory Group formed by leading national and international scholars.
SMARTOUR (PTDC/GES-URB/30551/2017) is funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia and cofunded by the programs Compete2020, Portugal2020 and the Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional da União Europeia. The project has a three years' duration, begining on the 1st of october 2018 and ending on the 30th of september 2021.